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Customer Testimonials

" My experience working with Avery over the past 5 years as my accountant has been great and short of awesome. The short of awesome part is that it's not always fun to deal with numbers and paperwork. However, Avery makes the process as smooth as possible because he is an incredible accountant who cares about you as a person. Due to Avery's patience and guidance, he has also helped me become much more organized with all my financial details. "

- Jonathan Goldfarb

" Avery's expert advise is outstanding. He resolved my tax issues on State and Federal level immediately and with dedication. His advise also saved me a large amount in taxes. Truly a tax accountant dedicated to maximize your benefits. "

- Gerhard Lapp

" Avery is the best accountant I've ever worked with. With ever changing tax rules, it's comforting to know that I can rely on his expertise to navigate through tax season with ease. I highly recommend his services to any individual or corporation. "

- Steve Maurer

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